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Sprains and Strains Quiz

Take the Sprains and Strains Quiz

Sprain? Strain? The terms for these injuries sound so similar, what's the difference? Find out by taking this quiz.

1. If you have a sprain, it means you've injured a ligament.
2. In a strain, a muscle or tendon is involved.
3. The most common site for a sprain is the wrist.
4. A typical sprain occurs when you misstep and land on the side of your foot.
5. One symptom of a sprain may be a popping sound from the affected joint when the injury occurs.
6. You should see your healthcare provider for a sprain if you can't move or put weight on the injured joint.
7. The back is a common site for strains.
8. A muscle spasm can be a symptom of a strain.
9. You should treat a sprain or strain by putting moist heat on it right away.
10. Wearing shoes that fit properly is one way to prevent a sprain or strain.